7. Technology
$AVG Token
$AVG Tokens will be ERC-20 tokens issued on the Ethereum network. The Token Launch Auction (TLA) will be launched on the Copper platform through a Balancer Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool (BLBP). This TLA model provides open-access distribution of $AVG.
Game Agnostic Scholarship Technology
A suite of game-agnostic scholarship management tools to provide scalable solutions for Avocado DAO. Crypto P2E games are not developed to natively support scholarship programmes. To ensure the sustainable growth of our scholarship programmes across a multitude of games, Avocado developed technological solutions to optimize Scholarship activities and yield generation, including:
Scholar performance tracking and reporting
Minting simulation and recommendations
Transfer of ERC20 and ERC721 tokens
Onboarding of new scholars
Coaching and educating scholar on game and blockchain knowledge
Comprehensive integrated database
Last updated